Ugly Cat Speaks

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Note from the Poet's Cat & other poems

As always, Thursday was the Florence Poets Society Meeting and I quickly jotted down a poem so as not to have to recycle any of my older stuff. I wrote these two little bits which reflect the current issue in my life. The third poem was written in response to a poem that was read at the poetry meeting. It felt as if I was channeling the poem, I simply had to write it right then and there. I don't have a title for it now (well, at least not one that isn't trite).

Note from the Poet's Cat

when done right
brings awareness
shows all the light

but if it's stunted
not complete
all my tactics
I must repeat

and if it breaks down
no hope there
all that's left --
pee on the chair


Kitty doesn't care
that Mom had to clean a mess
now Kitty goes out



in the fog of pain
killers pumping
through my veins
I choke -- cough
up this tube
memories of college
suddenly evoked
drinking aftermaths
but that was decades ago
and though my aged body
feels just as bad
aspirin won't fix this
I struggle without
the aid of pure oxygen
my father and I
when I was ten
watched fish that we caught
flop and gasp on the floor
of the rowboat he rented
I watched him die too
like my family
is watching me now
how they can do it -- well
it won't be long at least
already their voices and songs
are getting far away
and it feels better
not to breathe



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