Ugly Cat Speaks

Monday, November 16, 2009

Three with Titles!


it’s scary
or just a little
superstitious maybe
that with all the poetry
flowing each day
I should stop
on Friday the 13th
or rather just short of it
as if to say my words
refused to acknowledge
connection for fear of
being mangled badly
or worse – misarranged
into a throw-away poem
destined to be locked
in a folder for years
Schrodinger’s poem
does it exist if
no one ever reads it


ashes to ashes

that morning
after prayers
and the special service
she left the church
still bearing the sooty mark
of faith on her face
that last smudge she felt
she couldn’t remove
it being the only reminder
that, at least once, she believed


not so far away

in the morning
with her coffee
and the kids still sleeping
she dreams of places
far away and free
she hopes for a time
perhaps when her sisters
are old enough to take over
the family duties
she can fly away
from these buildings falling down
this neighborhood of terror
muted pops of gunfire fill the air
like the birds she imagines must exist
somewhere in this country
this land of the free



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