originally sent 7/28/05
Dear Mr. President,
The worst moment in any person's life is when they suddenly see the mistakes they have made and how they have hurt other people. For a good person, this is the most painful part of living. For a bad one, they're only memories.
Which are you Mr. President? Do you lie awake and wonder how to make things right? Or have you not even gotten to that point yet? Could that be possible? Is it possible that you haven't faced the realization that this war in Iraq and this unnatural control that politics has over government are terrible mistakes that you could have stopped. Well, to be honest, you could have prevented the war in Iraq, but could you have changed the face of modern politics? Wouldn't that be worth a chapter in the history books. Single-handedly reforming politics and government so that the people and the Country matter, rather than the egos and the Party.
It's late, and I like to dream.
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