Ugly Cat Speaks

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Let's Start With Some Limericks & Haiku

There once was a girl of some age
Whose thoughts could be found on a page
According to the script
She was known to have quipped
ā€œIā€™m as free as a bird in a cage!ā€

Maude's Limerick

Maude Ethel Marie was a cat
and, suffice it to say, she was fat
Some say it was heinous
that she did not clean her anus
but she would if her stomach were flat

The Death Limerick

The limerick's no medium for dying
but that won't stop me from trying
for while it's grim to compose
about the final repose
it's certainly more fun than crying


Kerouac Haiku

Rain beat, beats outside
poetry puddles in thoughts
Jack inspires us.

Forlorn Haiku

Water flows uphill
The Sun spins around the Earth
You love me again

Maude's Haiku

Savory Supper
Meow Mix left in dish
Ants to an aardvark

And One Last Shot

End Cartoon Violence
Bush said through the Media
Acme stock price drops


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