Thank you FloPoSo!
As some of you know, the Florence Poetry Society holds its monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month. Yesterday (that being the Wednesday before the FloPoSo meeting), I was feeling like a slacker for not having written anything new; so I endeavored to write something, anything that would at least seem like an attempt at poetry. Apparently deadlines work for me. This is what I came up with (and yes, that is a two line title; suck it up purists!):
in the Winter
food tastes better
the bitter wind
at their beaks
wings fluttering
to steady their tiny bodies
against the weathered
wooden fence
when the barrage subsides
they hop, hop towards
the generous supply
of wild bird seed
pressed against
the plexiglass
and spilling
over the lip into
the powdery
snow below
the larger birds --
the bluejays who
shriek and startle
chickadees --
greedily watch
from the tree line
even the pushy squirrels
can only hope
to plunder the mess
on the ground once
this upheaval is over
in the Winter
food tastes better
the bitter wind
at their beaks
wings fluttering
to steady their tiny bodies
against the weathered
wooden fence
when the barrage subsides
they hop, hop towards
the generous supply
of wild bird seed
pressed against
the plexiglass
and spilling
over the lip into
the powdery
snow below
the larger birds --
the bluejays who
shriek and startle
chickadees --
greedily watch
from the tree line
even the pushy squirrels
can only hope
to plunder the mess
on the ground once
this upheaval is over
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