Ugly Cat Speaks

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Healing a Nation

Comments and constructive criticism welcomed. I've been working and working this one and it still just isn't quite right.

Healing a Nation

what are the gains
for all our losses

human pawns
fall not just
to the Terrorists
who physically attack us

but to the Politicians
shipping other people's children
to fight an unsupported cause

and to the Protestors
shouting at soldiers
to give up their training
and strong-held beliefs
for a witty peace sign

how can we understand
the pain a soldier feels
in his missing legs
or her amputated arms

how can we know
the rejection they suffer
trying medicine after
medicine to cure ills
the government says
they don't even have

how can veterans
feel useful and needed
when used in photo ops
or in arguments against
a war they were ordered to fight

how might we heal
these wounds
we continue to inflict
upon our sons and daughters
who do what they are told
because they believe
we are worth it



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