Ugly Cat Speaks

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Vulnerable Side (be gentle with me)

I could write a dissertation about poetic license and how not all my writings reflect my current emotional state; but the truth is, regardless of how exaggerated they may be in my writings, the feelings began somewhere inside of me and no matter how small, I need to honor that. That being said, sometimes, the opposite is also true.

Forgive Me Flowers

Roses, scar-red
(an inviolate ruse)
remind us of pain
from a love we might lose


i cry out

i cry out in song
my heart needs to soar
why can't i let it
feel anymore

true love is calling
my destiny's here
why do i hide
when i feel it is near

i'm drawn to emotion
but only sadness
comes through
i cry out
for anything new

anything hopeful
anything true
i cry out
to the Universe
for someone like you

someone to hold me
to dab at my tears
someone to help me
Live through these years



cats don't warm the bed
as completely as you would
but they don't argue



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