Does anyone read blogs anymore?
Nature purrs in the distance
after an electric tail twitches
across the night sky
it is understood
that She is agitated
spitting down rain on
gawkers who run inside
when Her purr
becomes a growl
glory days
we speak of Freedom
from our college campus rallies
into the lens of the media
shaping our opinions
we choose channels
more often than we
select our moral bearing
sharing theories about
other people’s lives
or lies the government
might have told us
we claim to seek
the truth but stop
short at the entrance
to our souls
roles we play
take over the corpus
of our lives
and we speak about
freedom in the past
tense – like a memory
we regret or
haven’t made yet
Some poems I found from last year but never did anything with:
in the distance
not so very far away
in the smallish
public park
the train
randomly amidst
the sound system
of the poetry festival
too muted
to interrupt
the refrains of
death and flowers
but once – as if arranged –
it tooted as
the voices quieted
after a two minute poem
by the Poet extolling
the childhood virtues
of ghost trains
varn – Varn – VARNEY
HOO – Hoo – hoo
his voice trailed off as the
crowd absorbed the eeriness
so well portrayed – and then
in the distance
the train whistle
sounds in short bursts
the immigrant geese
from the unchecked
Northern borders
angrily alight on the
brownish-green pond
the paddle boats are
tied to the docks
as dusk approaches
weary park attendants
herd families towards
concessions and exits
music wanes as the
band wraps up for the
long-suffering poets
politely staying for the
last few members of
their group to read
cookies, soup and crackers
vanished hours ago
along with the friends
of the featured poets
soon the only sound
disturbing the park’s calm
will be the evening residents
fighting over the visitors’ scraps
Nature purrs in the distance
after an electric tail twitches
across the night sky
it is understood
that She is agitated
spitting down rain on
gawkers who run inside
when Her purr
becomes a growl
glory days
we speak of Freedom
from our college campus rallies
into the lens of the media
shaping our opinions
we choose channels
more often than we
select our moral bearing
sharing theories about
other people’s lives
or lies the government
might have told us
we claim to seek
the truth but stop
short at the entrance
to our souls
roles we play
take over the corpus
of our lives
and we speak about
freedom in the past
tense – like a memory
we regret or
haven’t made yet
Some poems I found from last year but never did anything with:
in the distance
not so very far away
in the smallish
public park
the train
randomly amidst
the sound system
of the poetry festival
too muted
to interrupt
the refrains of
death and flowers
but once – as if arranged –
it tooted as
the voices quieted
after a two minute poem
by the Poet extolling
the childhood virtues
of ghost trains
varn – Varn – VARNEY
HOO – Hoo – hoo
his voice trailed off as the
crowd absorbed the eeriness
so well portrayed – and then
in the distance
the train whistle
sounds in short bursts
the immigrant geese
from the unchecked
Northern borders
angrily alight on the
brownish-green pond
the paddle boats are
tied to the docks
as dusk approaches
weary park attendants
herd families towards
concessions and exits
music wanes as the
band wraps up for the
long-suffering poets
politely staying for the
last few members of
their group to read
cookies, soup and crackers
vanished hours ago
along with the friends
of the featured poets
soon the only sound
disturbing the park’s calm
will be the evening residents
fighting over the visitors’ scraps