Ugly Cat Speaks

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Higher Power

The Einstein Quote of the Day (for yesterday) was this: "What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world." And it got me thinking...

Higher Power

Did God
have a choice
to create us?
and if not
why give
Free Will?
it is His
we are enduring
His Loved Ones
amidst the Evil
in this world
while He
must spend eternity
yet powerless


Sunday, January 27, 2008

FloPoSo Jan Slam

Hello denizens of the Net. The Florence Poets Society had its Annual Poetry Slam today. It was well-attended; 25 poets signed up for the first round. I am please to announce that I had the top score for the first round and along with half of the poets, proceeded to the second round. Sadly, though, I was not in the top half of the second round and did not proceed to the third and deciding round. I read two poems (posted below) that I have read before and was pleased just to have the opportunity to read. Plus, I sold a few of my chapbooks which is always a happy bonus at these events. So, enjoy the poems. I hope to write some more in the coming weeks, but I am also focused on my novel. I will give an update on that perhaps in the next few weeks as well.

This poem is a great performance piece, especially at slams.

Don't Take This Personally
(must be read in standard poetic monotone)

I felt an urge – to write
a poem – one so raw –
that my words – would
reach out – to each and
every ear – and stimulate
the nerve endings – with
adjectives and
action verbs.

and so I wrote - -that
poem – and I’m reading
it out loud – in my
poetry-reading voice –
with monotony so bland –
the scintillating words --
must -- surely inflame –
the pleasure centers – of
your brains.

And when I’m done –
reading -- my exciting poem –
please clap – politely –
and maybe – throw me
money – ‘cause I’m a poet –
you can tell – from the
way I express myself – so well –
in places like this -- reading
poetry – in my poetry-reading voice.


This is one of my favorite poems to read. And not just because I read it in a Scottish accent. If read well, I can usually choke myself up by the end.

St. Andrews

Weekend afternoons
your fascination
with watching grass grow
known as televised golf
baffled me
I never paid attention
how could a teenager
sit still long enough
to understand your reasons
I saw old men
in weird clothes
no action
and some hushed announcer
I never bothered to hear

Today, in my adult boredom
or maybe out of nostalgia
I stopped to watch
but instead I listened
to the Scottish announcers
chatting about nothing and the game
I felt the familiar accent
more than I registered the words
and it occurred to me then
that you'd been homesick


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

poems on Heath Ledger and Pro Corp

Here are a couple of new poems I wrote tonight. (Hot off the presses!) I know, death seems to be my favorite poem topic; but come on, how can it not be? I will never run out of material.

I happened to drive by Pro a few nights ago and, as always, it made me melancholy.

death by a thousand cuts
for the Pro-phy-lac-tic Brush Company, 1866 - 2007

she was a behemoth
in her heyday
commanding respect
with each foray into
her local surroundings
and eventually the world

many came to her as well
to help sustain their lives
as best they could

but once her blood
had been spilled
and not staunched
in any number of ways
it could have been
each system shut down

more life pooled
onto the streets
hoping to be absorbed
by some other entity

death is familiar in the end
vultures came to pick away
the choicest bits
leaving this corpus
abandoned beside the river


Like many people, I was saddened to learn of Heath Ledger's death yesterday. From what I have read so far it has all the earmarks of an accidental overdose. I wrote this after hearing a story that there were several different types of prescription drugs found in his apartment some of which had been prescribed by European doctors (as if that makes a difference, it could just as easily been a slew of American doctors). I could do a whole rant just on Western Culture's over-prescribing of medications, but I think I'll just settle on one poem for now.

no indication of foul play
for Heath Ledger, 1979 - 2008

pills taken for anxiety
insomnia, pain
carelessly prescribed
to someone with privilege
but without the right
of information

did he even see
the doctor
who signed his
death sentence
or was this task
delegated to someone
less visible
someone also trying
to help him cope

was he even told
not to take them
too close together
was he warned
that the blue ones
might make him sleepy
too sleepy to realize
not to take the white ones
or was he simply assured
"this should help"


Sunday, January 20, 2008



I wear my mother's
stolen clothes
and have since
I was young
and didn't realize
when she showed
me the exotic outfit
that it wasn't
mine to have
it made me more like her
but didn't fit
though it seemed
to make me stronger
draped around me
like her arms
her pain as mine
we shared something
I was never meant to see
little girls together
parading in our
mother's frocks
until the fabric
becomes threadbare
and starts to itch
now we choose to discard
the apparel rather than
hand it down again


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Vulnerable Side (be gentle with me)

I could write a dissertation about poetic license and how not all my writings reflect my current emotional state; but the truth is, regardless of how exaggerated they may be in my writings, the feelings began somewhere inside of me and no matter how small, I need to honor that. That being said, sometimes, the opposite is also true.

Forgive Me Flowers

Roses, scar-red
(an inviolate ruse)
remind us of pain
from a love we might lose


i cry out

i cry out in song
my heart needs to soar
why can't i let it
feel anymore

true love is calling
my destiny's here
why do i hide
when i feel it is near

i'm drawn to emotion
but only sadness
comes through
i cry out
for anything new

anything hopeful
anything true
i cry out
to the Universe
for someone like you

someone to hold me
to dab at my tears
someone to help me
Live through these years



cats don't warm the bed
as completely as you would
but they don't argue


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thank you FloPoSo!

As some of you know, the Florence Poetry Society holds its monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month. Yesterday (that being the Wednesday before the FloPoSo meeting), I was feeling like a slacker for not having written anything new; so I endeavored to write something, anything that would at least seem like an attempt at poetry. Apparently deadlines work for me. This is what I came up with (and yes, that is a two line title; suck it up purists!):

in the Winter
food tastes better

the bitter wind
at their beaks
wings fluttering
to steady their tiny bodies
against the weathered
wooden fence

when the barrage subsides
they hop, hop towards
the generous supply
of wild bird seed
pressed against
the plexiglass
and spilling
over the lip into
the powdery
snow below

the larger birds --
the bluejays who
shriek and startle
chickadees --
greedily watch
from the tree line

even the pushy squirrels
can only hope
to plunder the mess
on the ground once
this upheaval is over
