Ugly Cat Speaks

Friday, October 07, 2005


Originally sent 7/29/05

Dear Mr. President,

What's happened to us? Our country, our people? Is this progress? Ask the parent trying to find a job to feed his/her family. Ask the hooker, ask the drunk, ask the barflies, ask the punks, ask any of the fringes of our society if this is progress. What do you suppose they would say?

I think they might be brainwashed into saying "at least my neighborhood isn't being blown up." And while they would be right, they would be entirely missing the point. Screw the world for right now. Let's focus on fixing our own problems before we go traipsing into someone else's backyard. I'm not suggesting complete isolationism; but there are some major changes to the budget and the focus of this country that need to be made if we are to survive as the "advanced society" we believe ourselves to be. Don't deny it. We Americans believe we are better than anyone else. And why shouldn't we? They are thinking the same things about themselves. It's human, well at least societal nature, to want to beat your enemies. Even if you have to falsely create them to do so. It's time to show our new strength. The strength involved in looking at our problems and recognizing that we need to fix them.


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