Ugly Cat Speaks

Friday, November 21, 2008

FloPoSo Writing Group

According to our moderator, Rich Pulchalsky, Leslea Newman once commented that the Florence Poets Society had a penchant for raunchy poems. I do not doubt the comment (which I am paraphrasing) since I have heard quite a lot of poems from the members of the FloPoSo (as we affectionately call ourselves). That being said, our prompt for this month's writing group was "raunchy poetry". Due to a scheduling conflict we were ousted from our normally spacious room with real tables and chairs and instead relegated to what I think was referred to as a staff room that contained kid-sized chairs and a bookshelf of books for children (among other things). Anyway, in this very UNRAUNCHY room we were challenged to write either about raunchy poetry or to write a raunchy poem. I wrote the first poem in a lame attempt at humour, and while in context it seems funny, it is sort of creepy. I then worked on part three of chapter nine (which is going quite well). I got to a good stopping point with the novel, but others in the group were still writing and, since I hate waiting, I wrote the second poem.

Raunchy Poem Writing Prompt

I Googled raunchy poems
and found nothing more than slams
I went to face my writing group
to face that I'm a sham
I cannot write a dirty poem
with those come hither looks
instead I'll write some titles down
from all these children's books

Tickle Tickle
Wee Willie Winkie
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
Each Peach Pear Plum
Rusty's Bone
Touch and Feel clothes
Find the Duck
Goose on the Loose
The Princess and the Pig
The Going to Bed Book


PS If you really need to check the authenticity of the children's book titles, click here. And yes, I probably am going to hell.

how not to write an erotic poem

a sensuous poem
doesn't need to be hot
to allude to the beautiful
features one's got
mentioning parts whether
alone or in pairs
should neither be raunchy
nor take on false airs
a curve, a caress
or that moment that causes
neck hairs to tingle
and intimate pauses
moisture within the
confines of the body
can be glistening or musky
but need not be bawdy
words to your partner
in whispers or screams
are only as filthy
as the other one deems
so don't write a poem
filled with words that are cheap
write one your lover
will recognize and keep



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